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Stop. Check in. Re-connect.

Hellooo and happy Wednesday!

Today during a process of exploring my designs I realised it has been a while since I stopped. Checked in and thought about the journey of T Cottee Art...…

It seems whilst caught up in the busy world that we live in (and scariness of the pandemic) a focus of survival and creating new work has led to forgetting about what has been, some of the older original designs and some of the values that contributed to my art work.

Do you ever find yourself forgetting to stop and take a moment to appreciate what’s going on?

I started T Cottee Art with this idea in mind: take a moment to stop, look a little closer and remembering to connect with nature in amongst the busy technology focussed world. Our catch phrase was developed... a 'different type of art' and a goal to prompt people ton stop, take a closer look and think about (or ideally reconnect with) nature.

As such, Sarah and I are going to make a conscious effort to get back to our roots: taking time to stop and reflect and linking back in with our natural world and finding ways to re-connect with nature.

Let us know your thoughts and keep an eye out for some social media posts that we hope will help you reconnect too (and yes the irony of using social media to reconnect is not lost on either of us-sorry!).


T & S

*Pic showing all designs created and available across T Cottee products, credited for helping me stop and think today.

*Ps. If you would like a specific card bundle please do drop us an email and we can customise a set for you and price accordingly.

(Buy Scottish Art/Buy Text Art, Online Uk)

Word Art Prints / Scotland Themed Art / Scottish Text Art / Scottish Art Print / Scotland’s Wild Life / Nature Life / Typographic Animals / The Great Outdoors / Scotland’s wild space / Scotland’s beauty / Perthshire / Pitlochry / Scotland’s Nature / Gifts / Prints / Art Cards

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